These ten mixed bullets, with grey, white and tan patinas, are in good condition and are from the bullet collection of Paul Irvin. Mr. Irvin marked each of these bullets with a corresponding McKee & Mason reference number from their Civil War bullet reference book "Civil War Projectiles II Small Arms & Field Artillery with Supplement". Bullets included are: (Top Row - Left to Right) .54 cal. Sharps & Hankins, .58 cal. Williams Cleaner type I, .58 cal. Williams Cleaner type II, .58 cal. Williams Cleaner type III, 58 cal. Williams Regulation, (Bottom Row - Left to Right) .58 cal. Washington Arsenal (this bullet is actually marked with the number "33" which corresponds to McKee & Mason's cavity raised mark type of a "star" and not its actual reference number of 341), .50 cal. Smith Carbine - Rubber Base, .54 cal. Starr Carbine, .54 cal. Ringtail Sharps Carbine, and a .54 cal. Burnside Carbine with dished base. Virginia Relics has done their best to examine these bullets to determine if Mr. Irvin's identification of these bullets is accurate but we cannot guarantee that it is. During the late nineteen sixties into the early nineteen eighties Mr. Irvin hunted many Civil War sites, both union and confederate, in central Virginia. The story of several of Mr. Irvin's major relic finds is recalled in a chapter from Howard Crouch's book, "Relic Hunter: The Field Account of Civil War Sites, Artifacts, and Hunting". Click here to read the story of Mr. Irvin and these finds. These bullets will be an excellent addition to any excavated bullet or general relic collection.
I may have other similar examples not yet listed.
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