Item: US 12 pounder case-shot with very nice un-punched Bormann time-fuze.
Construction: Cast iron with zinc fuze, lead case-shot balls, & asphalt matrix.
Approximate size: Weight: 10.8 pounds. Diameter: 4.52 inches.
Condition: Very good, excavated, with overall moderate surface pitting. The Bormann time-fuze is present with nearly every number and hash-mark visible. The iron is solid and in its raw excavated state. The hole in the shell, directly opposite the fuze, is where the shell was drilled to remove the powder from the powder chamber. It is inactive and ready for display.
Recovered: Petersburg, VA.
Comments: According to the artillery reference book "Field Artillery Projectiles of the American Civil War", by Dickey and George, "After April 1862, almost every Federal 12-pounder Smoothbore shell fired had a Bormann fuze in it, making this the "most common" explosive shell of the War". This artillery case-shot with Bormann time-fuze was acquired directly from the digger's Petersburg family and will be an excellent addition to any excavated Civil War artillery or general relic collection.
I may have other similar examples not yet listed.
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