Item: Excavated .58 caliber 3 ring bullet - Wilderness.
Condition: Very good. This large bullet has a smooth greyish-white patina and a visible mold seam on both sides. The skirt is very slightly out of round with the rest of the bullet in perfect dropped condition. In small print letters, in black ink, is "MARCH '69 WILDERNESS" representing the location and date of recovery. The "'69" and "NESS" of Wilderness is faded but there.
Comments: The writing appears to be the work of Mac Mason, legendary Virginia relic hunter and co-author of "Civil War Projectiles II Small Arms & Field Artillery with Supplement". This bullet will be an excellent addition to any excavated Civil War bullet or general relic collection.
Recovered: Wilderness, VA.
Approximate size: .568 x 1.04 inches.
I may have other similar examples not yet listed.
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Call or Text: 804-873-5462