.58 Caliber Three Ring "US" Base Bullet

Item: .58 Caliber Three Ring "US" Base Bullet
Condition: Fair, excavated. This bullet has a bright white patina and a partially visible mold seam. The raised letters "US" in its base are clearly visible. The base portion of its skirt was sliced off at some point and likely the result of a period soldier carving. There is also later damage to the same area on opposite sides which exposes original solder. 
Recovered:  Culpeper County, VA
Approximate size:  .573 x .958 inches; 433.56 grains weight.
Reference: M&M 342, T&T 152, RBTR Part I, specimen 201.
Comments: US base bullets in any condition are rarely recovered.

According to “Round Ball to Rimfire, Part I” page 141 by Dean S. Thomas, referring to both “star” and “US” base bullets:  “It was hoped when this project was begun that some concrete information would be located about them, but regrettably, it was not. All we do know is that these .58’s were made by machine, probably at one of the Federal arsenals. An engraved die-punch formed the raised star or letters “US” in a truncated cone cavity during the pressing operation. It is very probable that both varieties were produced by the same manufacturer because the scarcer “US”-in-the-base is almost always encountered where the “star”-in-the-base bullets are found.” 

See the additional images in this listing for an image of page 146 from the above mentioned book for an example of a similar "US" base bullet #201 including its description. The US base bullet offered in this listing will be an excellent addition to any excavated Civil War bu43llet or general relic collection. 

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