6-Pounder Solid Shot - High Quality from WV


Item: 6-Pounder Solid Shot - High Quality from WV
Gun: 6-Pounder Smoothbore, 3.67" Caliber.
Construction: Cast iron.
Approximate size: Weight: 5.8 pounds. Diameter: 3.54 inches.  
Condition: Excellent, excavated. The surface is very smooth with nearly no pitting. Printed on one area in faded gold marker is "Bartow WV" indicating its recovery location. It has been treated with electrolysis and paraffin so as to preserve the iron and is ready for display. No repairs.
Recovered: Camp Bartow , WV.
Reference: Similar examples can be found in the following reference book:

  • "Field Artillery Projectiles of the American Civil War", by Thomas S. Dickey and Peter C. George on page 28.
  • "Field Artillery Ordnance 1861 - 1865", by Jack W. Melton, Jr., and Lawrence E. Pawl, page 48.

See above page in additional images. 

Comments:  According to Peter George, co-author of "Field Artillery Projectiles of the American Civil War", "The six-pounder gun was used by both sides early in the war." See the above referenced page for more information. Solid shot cannonballs contain nothing explosive as they are solid iron. This six-pounder solid shot will be an excellent addition to any excavated Civil War artillery or general relic collection.

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