Title: Confederate Belt Buckles & Plates - Expanded Edition - Out of Print
Author: Steve E. Mullinax
Description: Includes over 850 images of over 425 buckle and plates. A front and back image, along with a detailed description of each example, is included. See the additional images for the Table of Contents for a detailed list of the many examples included in the book.
Edition: Expanded, August 1999
Construction: Hardback
Pages: 248
Approximate size: 8-3/4 x 11-1/4 inches.
Condition: Very good, previously owned. Minor soiling from use primarily within the last thirty pages, which includes the Virginia section, and also on the rear endpapers and fore-edge. The binding is in excellent shape.
Comment: This out of print, monumental reference book will be an excellent resource to add to anyone's library with an interest in Civil War Confederate belt buckles and plates.
I may have other similar examples not yet listed.
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