Title: "Confederate General Service Accoutrement Plates" - Signed by Author
Author: Lon W. Keim, M.D.
Published: 1987 (1st and only edition)
Construction: Hardcover with dust jacket
Pages: 379 with more than 1,000 images
Approximate size: 8-3/4 x 11-1/4 inches
Condition: Used, very good condition. The dust jacket is worn with small edge tears at its top. There is an old price in light pencil on the corner of the front free endpaper. The rest of the book is in splendid condition.
Comments: This out-of-print reference book is a treasure trove of information on Civil War Confederate accoutrement plates. It contains photographs with textual descriptions on every slick page, of the myriad of plates and buckles worn by the Confederates during the Civil War. It is a must have for the Civil War buckle and plate collector.
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