Federal 2.9-Inch Read-Parrott Case-Shot Shell - Wynn's Mill


Item: Federal 2.9-Inch Read-Parrott Case-Shot Shell - Wynn's Mill
Cannon: 10-pounder Parrott rifle, 2.9-inch caliber 
Approximate diameter: 2.87 inches
Approximate length: 8-1/4 inches
Approximate weight: 10.4 pounds
Fuzing: Zinc fuze adaptor for paper time fuze
Sabot: Iron ring
Condition: Excellent, excavated, fired. The shell's surface is very smooth with nearly no pitting. Its fuze adaptor and sabot are both present. Visible on one side of the shell, near its base, is the mold filler hole, and on the bottom of the shell, chisel marks are visible where the vent hole sprue was chiseled off (generally these aren't visible). Printed on the lower portion of the shell in now faded discolored white lettering is "WYNN'S MILL / 1966".The shell has been deactivated and there are no repairs. 
Recovered: Wynn's Mill 1966, Yorktown, VA area.
Comments: According to Peter George, co-author of "Field Artillery Projectiles of the American Civil War", the non-beveled area of the nose rim indicates that this shell is an early war manufacture. Included in the additional images is a drawing by Alfred R. Waud titled, "Portion of Rebel battery at Wynns Mill. The gun which wounded Lieut. Wagner. Topographical Engineer.", as noted at the bottom of the print. This artillery shell was acquired directly from the family of E. V. Smith. Mr. Smith, a lifelong Virginia relic hunter, thoughtfully recorded the shell's recovery date and location. It will be an excellent addition to any excavated artillery or general relic collection. 

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