Federal Cavalry Spur - Stippled Brass


This cast brass excavated Federal cavalry spur was recovered from the Quantico, VA area. It is unique in that, in addition to the cast-in foliate design on its neck, the entire exterior surface of the arms and strap plates are stippled. Its surface has a very pleasing overall chocolate brown patina. While still solid, both strap plates have minor cracks with one having a near break. A portion of its iron rowel is still present. Arms and strap plates exhibit mild bending. Overall, it is a solid spur that measures approximately 3-1/2 inches wide and 4-1/8 inches long. There are no repairs. 

Reference: An image and description of a similar stippled spur is found in the following Civil War spur reference book: 

  • "Historic American Spurs" by Howard Crouch, page 35, item US 5.

See the above page in the additional images. 

The spur was acquired directly from the Virginia digger. Included is an image of the digger (on far left), with his hunting buddies and their detectors dating to the 1970-80s. It will be an excellent addition to any excavated Civil War spur, cavalry, or general relic collection.

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I may have other similar examples not yet listed.

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