North Carolina "Sunburst" Coat Button with Shank - NC 14 - Rare 17mm Size


Item: North Carolina "Sunburst" Coat Button with Shank - NC 14 - Rare 17mm Size
Backmark: Blank
Construction: Low convex, one-piece
Approximate size: 17 mm.
Condition: Excellent, excavated, secure shank present. Brown patina with ample gilt on both front and rear. Circular spin marks are present on rear as a result of the lathe during the manufacturing process. Shank bent. No cracks, breaks, other bends, or repairs.
Recovered:  Quantico, VA area along the Potomac River.
Reference: Tice: NC233Am1; Albert: NC 14
Comments: According to "Uniform Buttons of the United States 1776-1865" by Warren K. Tice, on page 412, the 17 mm size is "exceptionally scarce" and "may have been used by the affluent 6th North Carolina Regiment". This button was acquired directly from the Virginia digger. Included is a scanned image of the digger (on left), with his hunting buddies and their detectors dating to the 1970-80s. This rare button will be an excellent addition to any excavated Civil War button or general relic collection.

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