Title: Parker's Virginia Battery C.S.A. Second Edition Revised
Author: Robert K. Krick
Construction: Hardcover
Pages: 487
Approximate size: 6-1/8 x 9-1/4 inches
Condition: Used, but in good solid shape. Previous owner's name & address blacked out on inside front cover. Old price in pencil remains on inside cover. A few pages have underlining and notes made by previous owner.
Comments: Robert K. Krick's history of what the Richmond newspapers during the war called "the boy battery" is one of the best Civil War reads around. The Parker of the title was Captain/Doctor William Watts Parker who recruited many of the battery's soldiers from the families of his Richmond patients. They distinguished themselves at Gettysburg and elsewhere, but it was the youth of the battery's gunners, loaders and spongers (some as young as fifteen) that made their fame. And makes Krick's book so readable. Krick is one of the acknowledged experts on the Army of Northern Virginia.
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