This brass throat to a bayonet scabbard is in good condition and according to the digger's label was recovered from "10th NJ Inf., picket post, Horsepen Cr., west of Falmouth, VA". The device now has a yellow green woodsy layer over a reddish/brown patina. On the reverse side is the digger's collection inventory mark. Though I am not 100% certain, there may be a small section of the leather portion of the scabbard still lodged inside the lower portion of the throat. There are no cracks, breaks, repairs, or major bending. This scabbard throat was acquired directly from the digger's family and the display case and label will be included. It will be an excellent addition to any excavated Civil War edged weapon, campsite, battlefield, or general relic collection. Approximately 1-1/4 x 4-5/8 inches.
I may have other similar examples not yet listed.
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