Title: "Uniform Buttons of the United States 1776 - 1865" - Inscribed and signed by the author to a contributer to the book.
Author: Warren K. Tice
Published: 1997 (1st and only edition)
Construction: Hardcover
Pages: 520 with more than 1,000 images
Approximate size: 8-3/4 x 11-1/4 inches
Condition: Used, but in very good solid shape. The front end paper has a note attached that reads "To Marilyn Nichols in appreciation of her contributions to this book.", and signed "Warren K. Tice 1/21/98". There are several pages marked in pen and pencil primarily indicating button values.
Comments: This out-of-print book is the first copy that I have been able to offer that was signed by Warren K.Tice. It appears that Marilyn Nichols was indeed a contributor to this monumental work by Tice as she is mentioned as "meriting particular thanks" on the Preface on page x towards the end of the third paragraph as underlined in blue ink. This book is out of print and is very scarce. It is a comprehensive listing and discussion of Button Makers of the United States, 1776-1865, Button Suppliers to the Confederate States, 1800-1865, Antebellum and Civil War Buttons of U. S. Forces, Confederate Buttons, & Uniform Buttons of the Various States, 1776-1865. This book is a must have for the Civil War button collector.
I may have other similar examples not yet listed.
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