Item: US Belt Buckle
Construction: Stamped thin sheet brass with raised letters "US". Rear with solder fill and arrow type belt attachment hooks.
Condition: Excavated. Its brass front has an overall very pleasing chocolate brown patina bordered with a yellow soil incrusted rim. There are no cracks or breaks, and its broad and tall letters "US" are rather pronounced. The rear is missing its arrow belt attachment hooks as they appear to have been broken off (not cut), and its tongue is bent away from the rear. Moderate rear solder surface flaking has occurred but does not extend to the rear of its brass front. The plate still has a very nice body curve with no repairs.
Recovered: Brandy Station, VA area.
Approximate size: 55 x 86 mm.
Comments: This buckle has a story to tell with its broken arrow hooks and wildly bent single hook, but what I like most about it, is the large tall letters "US" that will boldly stand out in any display. This buckle will be an excellent addition to any excavated Civil War buckle, plate, or general relic collection.
I may have other similar examples not yet listed.
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Call or Text: 804-873-5462