Battle of Eltham's Landing

New Kent County, VA

OTHER NAME: Barhamsville, West Point

CAMPAIGN: Peninsula Campaign

DATE(S): March-July 1862

PRINCIPAL COMMANDERS: Brigadier General William Franklin [US] Major General Gustavus Smith [CS]

FORCES ENGAGED: 0 total (US 0; CS 0;)

ESTIMATED CASUALTIES: 234 total (US 186; CS 48;)


Franklin's Union division landed at Eltham's Landing and was attacked by two brigades of Smith's command, reacting to the threat to the Confederate army's trains on the Barhamsville Road. Franklin's movement occurred while the Confederate army was withdrawing from the Williamsburg line.

RESULTS: Indecisive

Gustavus Woodson Smith       William B. Franklin

CS Major General Gustavus Woodson Smith         US General William Buel Franklin